Taking advantage of some sun at the beginning of the month, a foursome of spin fisherman from New Jersey caught a large assortment of species in the 5 days they had on the water.
In fact, guests Peter Tabia and John Sbarbaro landed (and photographed) nine types of fish in 2 days on spinning gear: barracuda, snook, sun shark, grouper, box fish, yellowtail, red snapper, bonefish, box fish, and a trunk fish. Near the end of the trip, each landed at least one permit, one of which was caught in front of the lodge near the end of the day.

The following week, the action returned to "the fly." Guests Peter Litwin and John Potter spent a few days on the flats near the lodge catching several bonefish with their guide, Perry. On the morning of March 15, they landed permits within an hour of one another. Finally, as an added bonus, Peter caught a large snook on his last day of fishing to finish off a great week.
The boys also chose to head over to Guanaja, an island that lies about 20 miles to the east of Roatan and is rumored to have a plethora of flats that see very little pressure.
Despite the rough crossing, both fisherman caught bonefish, but not in the mythical amounts they were hoping for. Trips to Guanaja cost extra (because of the distance traveled and the necessity of using two boats to go) and are extremely dependent on the weather. And though the fishing there has not yet lived up to its reputation, Mango Creek Lodge guides are anxious to explore and better learn this new collection of flats.